Nervous about your pharmacy school interview?

You don't have to be! We've got the perfect course for you.  In this comprehensive course, you’ll learn tips and strategies from an experienced pharmacist on how to ace your interview.  

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Ready to nail your pharmacy interview?

Hundreds of students can’t be wrong

Oh hey, I’m Kathy

Pharmacy School Interview Coach

I was once in your shoes, scratching my head trying to figure out what best to say at the pharmacy school interview so that I could become a pharmacist.  Through many hours and hours of analyzing, brainstorming, and practicing – and learning from the best – I figured out a way to interview and get accepted to multiple schools.  I want to share my knowledge with you and show you my system. Let me help you get accepted into multiple schools – just like I did!

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Your Admissions Coach to Pharmacy School: Everything You Need to Know About Getting In

 Hello, I’m Coach Kathy

Our Best Strategies

Struggling to prepare for your pharmacy school interview? Download our free checklist, “9 Strategies for Nailing That Pharmacy School Interview " and discover the best tips and strategies for making a successful impression during your interview. Download now and get the tools you need to make sure you land your spot at pharmacy school!

Unlock the Secrets of Admission Success

A comprehensive guidebook that covers everything you need to know!